CatioVital Lifting Treatment

Instant Lifting Treatment

Treatment's goals

Facial features are lifted and contours resculpted. 

This treatment helps restore youthful tone to the skin for a face lifting and rejuvenating effect.

Treatment type

Firming Treatment

Skin type

All skins

Suggested price

85 to 120€

CatioVital Lifting Treatment

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Beauty Results

Facial features are lifted and contours resculpted.


Techniques with CatioVital Cellular Energy Device

Anti-ageing tissue draining

Anti-ageing tissue draining

Decongests the lymph system and refines facial features.

Muscle Stimulation

Muscle Stimulation

Stimulates muscle activity with an immediate lifting effect on the skin.
Massage using Essential Oils

Massage using Essential Oils

Adapted to the different beauty goal, Essential Oils release their beneficial properties and beauty-enhancing energy into the heart of the skin.


Treatment Device

A patented treatment device exclusive to Mary Cohr, Catiovital Cellular Energy awakens cellular activity by electrostimulation for a visible rejuvenating effect after one hour of treatment.

The Esthetician's Advice

In cure, 1 Care per week for 3 weeks *;

In Total Youth treatment (1 Care Age Signes Reverse / 1 Care CatioVital Youth / 1 Care CatioVital Lifting): 1 Care per week for 3 weeks.

  • sandrine carliez Un soin lifting sans faire de lifting

    j 'ai pu découvrir ce soin en institut grace à mon esthéticienne qui me l'a recommandé , suite à un fort relachement de ma peau sur l'ovale du visage . J' ai d'abord été très surprise par le ressenti , meme si mon esthéticienne m'avait prévenu , car on ressent les muscles du visage bouger . Dès le premier soin j'ai vu les premiers résultats . Peau plus ferme repulpée , éclat ! J 'ai pris d autres rendez vous pour augmenter les résultats . Je suis convaincue !

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